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Makers Go Pro

business & innovation
8 Mai 15:00 - 16:00
60 Minuten


Africa is poised to leapfrog traditional 19th & 20th century techniques by pioneering a new approach to 'small batch' manufacturing (bespoke, cottage, craftsman, artisan, boutique, coterie, long-tail, haus...choose your own synonym), leveraging unique artistry/design, local resources, the global supply chain, collaborative open source hardware/software development - blending traditional craft methods and digitally controlled tools.", "Lean Entrepreneurship focuses on minimizing the effort needed to test ideas, fail quickly and succeed faster - without wasting resources. In this talk, we'll explore how creating internet based social communities in Africa for collaborative R&D can result in inherently lean product development, resulting in efficient, sustainable manufacturing, high quality employment and global distribution of value-add exports.