#rp13 Reader: The world’s fastest book

So you tomorrow you want to be able to read about talks, speakers, and sessions which took place the day before? Or maybe you can’t personally take part but would still like to experience the full re:publica package? No problem. This year, we have kicked-off a special eBook project : our re:publica Reader.
Together with the Deutschen Journalistenschule (DJS) and the self-publishing platform epubli, we will be producing the world’s fastest book at re:publica. During the course of the conference, students of the DJS will document top themes and topics in the freshly produces re:publica Reader (#rp13rdr). epubli will then publish these works as an eBook by the next morning.
The re:publica Reader is there to build a new bridge between the analogue and digital world. Here, future journalists write-up reports and commentaries on the conference programme – hot off the presses with an IN/SIDE/OUT perspective.
Content will be produced daily in a dedicated newsroom in the STATION-Berlin and published epubli later in the day. By the next morning, all titles will be available in the various eBook shops run by Apple, Google, Amazon, and Co. This is how it works: On each publication day, our Reader will be available free of charge until 12:00 midday. After 12:00, each copy will cost 2.99 Euro.
We are especially excited to welcome three outstanding digital journalists to the Reader’s editorial desk, who will be supporting the DJS reporting team as chief editors: Ulrike Langer, free-lance journalist and expert on digital media innovation, Stefan Plöchinger, chief editor of Süddeutsche.de, and Jochen Wegner, chief editor of ZEIT ONLINE.
re:publica 13 all you can read and published in real-time - #rp13rdr