#rp13: The Global Innovation Lounge

Ever wonder what it’s like to be a start-up in Africa, Asia or Latin America? How are the challenges different from those in Europe, and what commonalities do we share? To answer those questions, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and AfriLabs will host The Global Innovation Lounge — a hub inside re:publica.
Representatives from technology innovation hubs in Africa, Latin America and Asia join #rp13 to share stories and insights from their spaces as well as host discussions, talks and making sessions on topics such as sustainable business models, “hacking for a better world”, and hub building across different environmental, political and social environments.
Because hubs are places where “stuff gets done”, the Global Innovation Lounge will be a combination of scheduled activities and Open Space - where you are also invited to contribute. Each day maker sessions will be held to explore global education challenges. You are welcome to join these and contribute by running your own workshop, sharing your knowledge and learning new skills.
The Global Innovation Lounge represents a diverse range of approaches and experiences, and an opportunity to connect, learn and share experiences with representatives from across the world. We welcome you to stop by the Lounge, meet your global peers, and expand your world view.
Check out the full Global Innovation Lounge session schedule here.