#rp13: Accessibility and Aktion Mensch at re:publica

Once again, we have made sure that the STATION-Berlin is accessible and widely barrier-free so that our mobility-impaired guests can move freely among the halls and stages. We would also like to thank our partner Aktion Mensch, which has kindly provided us with a scribe service for stage 1 and a sign language interpreter. An exciting keynote speech and a panel on accessibility and barrier-free living are also part of the event programme.
What we mean by accessibility and freedom from barriers is when people with visual, motoric, or acute impairments can also experience re:publica’s event programme. In order to achieve this, we once again have our partner Aktion Mensch e.V. on board. Thanks to this organisation, we will be able to feature a scribe service, which will transcribe all sessions from Stage 1.
Thus, all recorded sessions featured on our YouTube channel will be subtitled. Aktion Mensch will be represented at #rp13 through its own booth as well as its own keynote and panel discussion on stage 5. Of course, both sessions will feature a sign language interpreter.
Straight away on day one of re:publica, web developer Tomas Caspers will use his keynote speech “Innovationsbeschleuniger gesucht! - Wie wär's mit Barrierefreiheit?”, to give a technical-historical view of accessibility and barrier-freedom. What are the current challenges for developers and how can future gadgets and content become more adaptable to its users, instead of the other way around?
Following the keynote, the focus will turn to mobile devices and the opportunities and risks within our world of mobile gadgets in the panel discussion: “Mehrwert oder Barriere – Wie lassen sich mobile Endgeräte für alle zugänglich machen und wo entsteht Innovation?” The number of smart phones and tables is continually rising but there is still a long way to go in order to make devices and apps truly “easy to use – for everyone”. Among other, Silke Horn (schmetterlong.de), Raul Krauthausen (Sozialhelden), Barbara Wolterstädt (Senior Research Group) will lead the discussion.