breaking / news
Let’s talk about cats. About lolcats. Especially about lolcats! For those of you who think lolcats are a cute yet silly, altruistic act of passing time for people attached to emotional self-reference in interpersonal communication, you are on the right track. For Kate Miltner they go even further: lolcats are a gauge of human culture!
Perhaps the steam had gotten a little too thick? It’s in the sauna, where Timo Vuorensola and Tero Kaukomaa are came up the mad plot to their film. After 1945, space Nazis hide on the dark side of the moon in order to return to earth in 2018. Their crazy idea was quickly turned into a snappy film trailer and soon, film fans across the globe where asking: WTF?
Following on from the successes of the past years, berlinbrandenburg is sending out invitations to its 5th exclusive Investor’s Dinner. As the name suggests, the dinner is designed to combine good business ideas with potential investors and fine dining. When? On 7 May or, more precisely, on the second evening of re:publica!
“Expert on money, power, influence, and transparency” is how Ellen Miller likes to describe herself. As a veteran of the American “Open Government Movement”, she has fought for many years for a cultural shift in the way government and national entities enable access to information and administrative data. Her strongest weapon in this fight is “Open Data” – the provision and analysis of freely accessible administrative data.
If you are ready to put your business sense to the test in a fair contest, featuring your own coaching staff, then the Startup Olympics is your chance! Regardless if you already have a well thought through business concept or just a preliminary vision, at the Startup Olympics, within a few weeks, you can show off what you’ve got.
Song Hojun is trying to overcome the boundaries between art and technology. Currently, he is working on becoming the first private person to launch a satellite into a stable orbit around planet earth.
Realising a good idea and building it into something great – more and more people are showing the courage and determination to become business founders! How to do this and what to watch out for, in order to avoid even the best ideas petering-out in the day-to-day business stress, are some of the questions we want to explore with you in our thematic focus get re:ady.
... and has received more submissions from you than ever before! Over 530 ideas and thematic proposals were received by us over the last few weeks, significantly more than last year. We would like to thank you all for your input! Now it's on to the evaluation. By the end of February we will have looked at all submissions and respond to each of you accordingly.
Only three, short months until re:publica opens its doors so if you are attending from outside of Berlin, you should probably start thinking about sorting out your accommodation. In order to give you a helping hand in your search for the right rooms, we’ve once again arranged for special #rp13 rates in several hotels.
It’s been four, long years since digital visionary Cory Doctorow was last with us at re:publica. At #rp09 he talked about how the internet was in the process of changing the rules of the game, for producers and consumers of creative content, for ever.