breaking / news
"Beware of the technicians! They start with the sewing machine and end with the atomic bomb", the French writer Marcel Pagnol once said. He toyed with the human fear of technology's unknown factors and their impacts. This area of the "unknown" is also subject to the work of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung - bpb).
About two weeks ago, we show-cased the first 100 sessions from our Call for Papers online. Since then, our session overview has been updated with new programme elements on a daily basis. Today we have reached another milestone by being able to present the timetable for your and our sessions!
Bounties on arms dealers, concrete shells on nuclear reactors - the Centre for Political Beauty (Zentrum für Politische Schönheit) aims to not only make the world a better place but also a more aesthetic one. As opposed to many others, the Centre's main focus isn't on the three big C's: career, cash, children. But what else is there to do, you ask? Well for one thing: THINK BIG!
You might know british TV series Father Ted. You probably also heard of Black Books. But as a visitor of re:publica, you must know The IT Crowd, quite possibly the best and most intelligent TV series about Geeks and Nerds, recognizing the entertainment potential of IT departments long before other shows did.
Is it possible to have both: capitalism and morality? How exactly do digital systems make the world more efficient? Both questions are potent enough to fill a whole re:publica programme by themselves. That’s why we have the business magazine “brand eins” as our co-pilot at our side in order to help steer us towards islands of knowledge – through talks and interviews.
Check out our previous posts on this year’s re:publica and the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). Today we are happy to announce that our international matchmaking-tool re:match has gone online. re:match is a B2B platform, open to all re:publica visitors, which offers optimal networking opportunities.
Carolina Ödman, astrophysicist and hacker, will report on the worldwide networked astronomy community. She is interested in science apps with API, Open Science as well as statistical data or, as a reflection of reality, in pixel form on photographs. Through collaborative research, one day she hopes to answer some of the fundamental questions about the universe.
Have you done your good deed for the day by fighting for equality, diversity, and environmental protection yet? At the re:campaign, you’ll have the chance to meet various campaign initiators. From 6 – 7 May at STATION-Berlin, NGOs, foundations, and other civil society actors will discuss online campaigns and social media.
“Germany has decided to do away with a centuries-old tradition of what can be described as women being taken care of by men”, is how Jutta Allmendiger describes the necessary change within our society. As a sociologist and scientific researcher, she is interested in the course of life and the factors which influence it.
It’s pretty cool when lots of smaller parts come together to form something larger - even more so when it’s visible to all. The first 100 sessions, which were received and accepted via the Call for Papers, have now been posted online. Take your time to peruse those talks, workshops, discussion, and other actions that you really shouldn’t miss.